‍Affiliate marketing has proven to be a successful way for many niche websites to earn some extra money. The idea of affiliate marketing is simple: You partner with an affiliate network that supplies you with a list of merchants who are willing to give you a cut of the profits if your blog posts or videos are clicked through by your potential customers. Affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn some extra cash online. It’s an ideal way to make money if you have a niche site with some social media presence or a blog that offers helpful content to other people. Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money without having your own business. There are affiliate networks that cater to many niches, so you can find one that works for you. But how do you start affiliate marketing successfully? This ultimate guide will walk you through the necessary steps to start earning affiliate commissions.

Step 1: Find a niche

The first step in any marketing strategy is finding a niche that you’re interested in. You may end up with a lot of ideas, but narrowing them down to one or two that really intrigue you is important. With affiliate marketing, your niche will be based on the merchants that you choose to partner with. It’s important to research different affiliate networks and see what types of products each one carries. Since affiliate networks specialize in different niches, you should be able to find one that appeals to you. If you’re interested in affiliate marketing photography, for example, you’d want to look at the different affiliate networks and see what types of products they have. Once you’ve narrowed down your niche, it’s time to find potential partners.

Step 2: Find a partner

Once you’ve found a niche partner, you’ll want to do a little research to see if they’re reputable. Many affiliate networks have detailed profiles that list each partner’s social media presence, reviews, and more. If the partner you’ve chosen isn’t listed, it may be worth contacting them to see if they’d be interested in partnering with you. Now that you know who you’d like to partner with, it’s time to find out if they’re interested. Start by reaching out to them via social media messages or emails. Mention that you’d like to partner with them and ask if they’d be interested in working with you. It’s important to remain professional and polite when asking for a partnership.

Step 3: Select an affiliate network

Once you’ve partnered with a merchant, it’s time to choose an affiliate network. Since affiliate networks specialize in different niches, you should be able to find one that works for you. There are hundreds of different affiliate networks out there, and most have different pros and cons. It’s important to take the time to research different networks and find the one that best suits your needs. If you don’t have the time to do this, it’s usually a good idea to start with the top networks first and work your way down the list as you get experience. Some of the most popular affiliate networks are:

Amazon Associates: Amazon Associates is one of the oldest affiliate networks out there, but it’s also one of the most popular. If you’re interested in affiliate marketing books, for example, Amazon Associates is a great place to start. Amazon is one of the largest online retailers and makes up a huge chunk of their revenue from affiliate marketing.

ClickBank: ClickBank is another great place to start if you’re looking for affiliate marketing products related to books, video courses, or software. It’s a large marketplace that connects affiliates and merchants together, so you can be sure you’ll find a lot of options to choose from.

Commission Junction: Commission Junction is another large marketplace with a lot of different product options. It also has a large selection of affiliate networks to choose from.

Step 4: Set up your affiliate code

Once you’ve chosen an affiliate network and partnered with a merchant, it’s time to set up your affiliate code. This is where your blog post comes into play. As you’re creating your blog post or video, you’ll want to include the affiliate code. This is how your readers will be able to purchase the product you’re partnering with. The easiest way to do this is to include the affiliate code in your post’s header (or footer). It’s important to do this as soon as you create your content so that there’s no chance of them getting edited out. Some WordPress themes have header-embed codes. Others don’t. If yours doesn’t and you’re not a fan of editing out content, you can try adding the code manually. Once you’ve added the affiliate code to your header, you’ll want to go to your affiliate network and create an account. It’s important to remember to activate your affiliate code as soon as your blog post is published.

Step 5: Write and publish your content

Now that you have the affiliate code in your post, it’s time to write the content. As you’re creating your blog post or video, remember to include the affiliate code. Including the affiliate code in your content will allow you to track the traffic that comes from it. It’s also important to remember that you need to publish your content as soon as possible. If you wait too long, you’ll have a hard time tracking down where the traffic comes from. You also want to make sure that you publish your content on time. This isn’t the place to be late to work or have a family emergency pop up. You should also publish your content on the day that it’s scheduled to go live. This gives you enough time to make any last-minute changes before sharing your post with the world.

Step 6: Stay consistent and monitor your conversions

The last thing you want to do is to forget about your affiliate marketing campaign. This may sound like a clickbait-y headline, but it’s important to stay consistent and make sure that you’re tracking your clicks. There are many different ways to do this and some of the most popular are:

Use Google Analytics: Google Analytics is one of the most popular online tracking tools, so it’s a great place to start. You can easily add the tracking code to your affiliate code to get a detailed look at the traffic that comes from it. You can use the tracking code in the header or footer of your content, or you can add it to the source of the content (usually your WordPress platform).

Use a tracking email: You can also add a tracking email to your affiliate links to make sure that it’s easy for you to keep track of the clicks. You can use this email to track the click, add the tracking code to your code, and keep track of all your campaign statistics.


It can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to affiliate marketing. There are so many networks and so many different options to choose from.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the 6 essential steps to success in affiliate marketing. From finding a niche to finding a partner and affiliate network to setting up your affiliate code and finally publishing your content. If you follow these steps, you’ll have a much better chance of succeeding in this exciting and rewarding niche.






Photo from Pixabay